The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28212   Message #351002
Posted By: Troll
04-Dec-00 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
Subject: RE: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
It's true that many old sayings don't make a lot of sense if you examine them too closely.
Take " a watched pot never boils" for instance. But they work if you don't pick them apart.
As to the "acorn" you found, very good. Had you also quoted say, The Times, even better.
We have these kinds of charges every election. It's called "playing the race card".
Ours is a very fluid society and people move frequently. In my nearly thirty years with the US Postal Service I can vouch that people moving and NOT registering an address change was one of our biggest headaches. They'ed move, not tell us, and then come in screaming for their mail. College students were especially bad about this.
My point is, that if people won't turn in a change of address to the post office, they are even less likely to remember to change their address with the supervison of elections. And the demagogues shout "racism!"
Re: convicted felons, unless their civil rights have been restored by the count, they are indeed ineligible to vote. The restoration is not automatic; they have to petition the court. It is not usually a problem. You need a good work record and no arrests. This is, I believe, a federal law, not a state law.
As to the other statements made in the article, I have no knowledge of them at this time but I shall certainly check them out. If indeed the list of convicts and ex-convicts contained a significant number of errors then someones head should certainly roll for it.But I'll take with a large grain of salt ANY charges made by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or the NAACP. I'll believe what comes out in court as evidence, not what they release to the press.
