The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149800   Message #3513252
Posted By: GUEST,Angela Galbraith
09-May-13 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Roe vs Wade ByPass Effort
Subject: RE: BS: Roe vs Wade ByPass Effort
Steve, perhaps I should have gone back and read some of your previous post before I offered you any kind of commendation for your earlier remark. You are clearly not only a self aggrandizing know-it all sexist bigot, but a poser and a fraud as well.

It's one thing to imply that women are somehow, even when educated; lacking in intelligence, but to have made some of the most callus and insensitive remarks as you have about women like myself that have in our life been faced with such a decision to terminate a pregnancy, but also carry two to full term I find not only offensive but even more despicable than any I've heard from Pro-Life extremist. More despicable because you have the unmitigated gall to assume a position of choice.

"The world we live in consists of people who (once you've discounted lunatics and idiots) are 100% against abortion."

Many women who choose to terminate a pregnancy must struggle hard to come to terms with that being the best solution, and then spend the rest of our lives dealing with the self doubt by reassuring ourselves that we would if confronted with that same set of circumstances make that same choice. We do not believe that decision is 100% wrong. To imply that millions of women who believe that are somehow "lunatics and idiots" is utterly despicable.

The statement you were remarking on describes the very struggle that I personally dealt with, "Abortion is one of the rare issues in a civilized society that(finds Civil Rights and Human Rights justifiably and sincerely at odds with one another)."

"You will not meet a single sane person on earth who thinks abortion is a good thing."

To again imply that millions of us who believe that the right and decision to make that choice is a good thing, some how renders us less sane than all on earth who believe to the contrary is beyond outrageous.

"We all hate abortion. No-one loves abortion. Abortion is a failure every time."

You clearly harbor absolutely no empathy for just how much of a challenge we faced in coming to terms with such a decision, yet you would deem us all a failure for believing our choice was just and about moralizing."

"I think the boundaries are so blurred as to make the distinction almost useless...I also think that the debate about "when life actually begins" is futile and depressing."

Well of course you would your a bloody bloke, you haven't got the slightest clue as to what goes on in a woman's body during pregnancy, although you spout your mouth off about it like you do.

Having terminated my first pregnancy early and carried two to full term I can tell you Stevie there is no blurring of the boundaries nor is when life begins some kind of futile quest; less it be to describe the experience to a man or even a women who has never experienced it.

That moment when for the first time you feel what before were nothing more than a flood of cascading emotional swings and nausea actually come to life inside you. To describe the wash of joy and wonder that floods your ever sense when what before you had considered a discomforting condition first comes to life inside you, and you know that what before was a thing is in fact a living being is indescribable and without question undeniable to the woman who experiences it, especially for the first time.

If anyone is qualified to make a distinction of when life begins, it would be the women who have been there and felt its emergence. And I among many others concur that it serves to be the one most profound reasons as to why we and so few other women seek (sought)legal late term abortions in comparison to early terminations of pregnancy.

If the likes of someone who could make such ludicrous and insensitive remarks without considering what they say about the women who have faced these struggles, is to be a self declared know-it all championing our cause, we would be better off with those who declare themselves our enemies.

You Stevie boy are no more a champion for the cause of choice, than the likes of a David Duke is a champion for the cause of Civil Rights. You both are equally pathetic, self-aggrandizing, arrogant bigots.

Now you and your mates can banter about your adolescent chauvinistic babble about your uninformed and ignorant opinions on abortion and choice from now to dooms day, and it will never make the truth about you any less true.