The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150697   Message #3513560
Posted By: GUEST
09-May-13 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: Bob Brozman legal issues
Subject: RE: Bob Brozman legal issues (NOT obit)
First, let me say, I will post here anonymously, because the whackadoodle nature of the way the parties who are spreading this story are acting, I can't feel confident that they won't go on the attack of anyone who questions their claims, much less disputes them.

There is nothing conscionable about the way this whole episode has been reported. I find myself suspicious of the entire story about Brozman, though I admit, I have avoided any details. I knew him, and though he could be one cranky son-of-a gun, I never saw a shred of this type of behavior. I'm relieved to see there are others out there that don't automatically believe this just because someone files a court case.   Remember "innocent until proven guilty"? Remember that - you know - the whole basis of our justice system.   Feels an awful lot to me like someone with desire for vengence, not justice, is responsible for posting this story all over the web. It seems like someone who wants to be the center of a whole lot of attention - not someone protecting their child.

I want to add this for consideration. I am female, middle 50's. I was sexually molested as a child by my grandfather, as were several of my female cousins. He was a devout fundamentalist Christian, during a very repressed era.   I was well into my 40's when it dawned on me that he may have molested my mother - who was a very unstable personality all my life - and very paranoid and abusive and controlling.   

When I was 8 or 9 years old, I told my Dad about a "touching" incident with a male teenage cousin and my father stuck up for me. The cousin was excommunicated, and my father let me know that I was right to tell him, he would always protect me. I was lucky in that way, but I never told him about my grandfather, because I was much younger when those touches happened, too young to understand them, but afraid of what might happen. By the time the later incident with the cousin happened, I couldn't draw a line between the memories.    Not too young to remember, it was never a constant memory. Fortunately, in my case, contact with my grandfather was very limited, and it never occurred again.

When I was 12, my mother accused my father of sexually abusing me, and was quite vitriolic about it, though there had been no discussion of anything between her and me. It was not true, not a shred of truth in it, but my mother was angry with him about something else, and she used this accusation as a club to hit him with.   I was mortified, & could not really understand all that was going on, but my denials fell on deaf ears. She acted as if she was defending me, but it was merely a weapon she could use against my Dad. II was too young at that time to understand that something else in her psyche might have been at play. My Dad was far from perfect, but he was not guilty of this. He moved out of our home and started drinking shortly heavily after this episode, and for 20 years, he was not himself. I rarely saw him through those remaining formative years. He and I never discussed this, but he told me later in life that he was grateful that I had continued to love him and see him as a person.

Sometimes a person who has suffered abuse, sees it everywhere, having never dealt with their own issues. I don't know if that is the case here, but the Brozman I knew never exhibited any sign of questionable behavior. The ex-wife was known to be ....difficult... at times.

We will never know the real truth, and I would like to see the speculation stop. These should have remained private matters, within the family, until the girls whose privacy should be protected were old enough to make their owns choices about a public discussion. What the so-called "concerned parents" involved are doing disgusts me, and I wouldn't trust them for that very reason.   They seem too interested in being the center of attention in all this. They drove a man to kill himself. If their accusations are true...isn't that justice enough? Brozman has gone on to meet his maker, and will face the justice of the soul.   These story tellers...their day of reckoning is still ahead. I hope they have not added murdering a man's spirit to their list of sins.

For me, I will pray for everyone - for their souls, for their forgiveness, for the hatefulness to disappear. Brozman's music is still a gift to the world, and whatever his flaws as a man were - he was generous with his music.