The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28190   Message #351518
Posted By: Rick Fielding
04-Dec-00 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Oscar Wilde
Subject: RE: Oscar Wilde
Ahh, good ol' Oscar. I love the designation "Professional Smartass". If the pay were better, I'd like to give it a try myself.

Did anyone see the bio-pic with Stephen Fry? Nobody alive today really knows, but my guess is that Fry really nailed the character. My guess is also, that surrounding the witty remarks was a personality with a VERY short shelf-life.

As many here know, my great philosophical hero was Quentin Crisp, but short of seeing him in concert once and laughing at his writing, I don't think I would have wanted to spend much time around him. His theories on enjoying being an "outsider" still strike me as being spot on, but (I guess) that like Oscar, when the spotlight was off he could be very trying.
