The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28260 Message #351548
Posted By: Thyme2dream
05-Dec-00 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Help with New Year's Eve problems.
Subject: RE: Help with New Year's Eve problems.
Well, I think I'm gearing up to host a major culture shock for New Year's...Ian and I are spending our first holiday season together, this year here in Kansas. I have been trying to explain to him that a regular Thursday night in Edinburgh is more exciting than 'Hogmany' in Topeka (heck fire, we don' even unnerstand what HOGS got ta do with it no how, bunch o durned crazy Scotch guys runnin' around in them there dresses, ain't nat'rul f'yask me!) and if anyone around here tried 'first-footing' at the neighbor's you'd get shot between the eyes...sigh! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping we can get tickets to Kelley Hunt's Blues party in Lawrence...OR maybe that word game and music party idea is a really good one.
Now, if I can just figure out how to keep the drinkers and the fervent teetotalers apart at Christmas, all will be 'Merry and Brite' in the land of ahs.