The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #3515766
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-May-13 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Well done Bruce!
I figured out, a while back, that the 'so-called' liberals HATE news sources that even remotely report truthfully. They thrive on being lied to...then turn around and help spread the lies, and attack the messengers of truth...and even berate those who SEEK the truth. To them, the ends justifies the means, and then act shocked, and crawl back in their holes, when the truth emerges and bites them in the ass....BUT..they are not concerned that they've been wallowing in lies, and spreading them to forward stupidly wrong agendas....they just feel bad because, their 'sense of importance' has been minimized by a little verifiable truth.....and fearing that they'll be exposed, they accuse, and call names, to distract people from the subject, or even DISCUSSING the truth.
You have it all over the place in here.
I, myself, am neither on the 'right' or 'left'....but the 'left' accuses me of being on the 'right'....and the 'right' accuses me of being on the 'left', anytime I expose the TRUTH, which has very little to do with either one of them!!

Don just posted a classic example, of which if he was 1/10th as 'brainy' as he thought he was, can't see that the 'tactic' has got him nowhere, except falling all over himself.

He knocks the 'Politico', because a 'Reaganite' is the CEO, and I'm supposed to be shocked......but applauds MSNBC, owned by Jeff Immelt, who got to be 'Job Czar', and gets $500 million, taxpayer dollars from Obama to start up jobs in HIS company, IN CHINA!!!!

What a fucking hypocrite!

SRS just deletes, or was deleting posts that didn't stroke her the 'right'...or should I say, 'left' way....

Don T just nags in the silliest way....

and Bobert is just a terminal Democrat, no matter what....He'll put up with whatever crap they're dishing up for dinner...even if it isn't 'left'!

...but they'll run Sawzaw out, because he posted real's just that the 'so-called' liberals couldn't stand hearing his matter how correct they were.

But lies, like certain other vices, just have their addictive, appeal, and if lies were dope, Don would be the biggest Northwest dealer!...but you know what they say,.."Don't get high on your own supply!"


OK, enough of this.....let's get back to some REAL news.
Thanks Bruce...your posts were informative!!