The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150803   Message #3516590
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-May-13 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Subject: RE: BS: Strident atheism not a religion
you and I and even Steve Shaw should all be able to look together at a flower and simply enjoy the beauty of it.

This looks good and harmonious until you delve a little more. I saw a programme about Richard Feynman the other evening and they had him saying this (this is verbatim):

"I have a friend who's an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree. Then he says "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing," and I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is ... I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it's not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there's also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts."

Of course you can "simply" enjoy the beauty of a flower. If you like, you can marvel at this perfect creation of your God. But why let your intellect stop running there? You don't need God. You need curiosity and study and scholarship, executed to the best of your mind's abilities. You'll find a lot more beauty in that flower that way than you ever imagined possible. That's what some of us strident atheists are trying to tell you. All without having to praise God for making it (which, of course, he didn't). God, to reinterpret Feynman, may not subtract, but he sure stops you from adding.