The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28361   Message #351672
Posted By: Willie-O
05-Dec-00 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Crowhugger's Mom
Subject: Crowhugger's Mom
I guess I should start this...Crowhugger has not been seen on the Cat much lately, because she is down here in my neck of the woods looking after her mom, Lana, who many met at The Woods this past summer.

Lana has been hospitalized the past month or so. She has cancer and the prognosis, as they say, is poor. It's inoperable. She came home last week for a few days as a trial run, to see if it's feasible for her to be there. I visited them on Saturday, and Lana was physically weakened, but showing the dignity and strength of spirit and intellect that those who know her would expect. There is a pretty good corps of people to help her in her isolated rural home.

Val (Crowhugger) and Lana are old friends of mine. I'm sure messages of support would be welcomed. (Even though they're not the sentimental types many of us are.) Val will be home some of this week so I expect she'll be checking in here.

Val, you're doing right by your mom, we should all do as well when the crunch comes. Now get some sleep and reacquaint yourself with your husband.
