The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150785   Message #3516940
Posted By: GUEST,guest
19-May-13 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Lovel (Child #75)
Subject: RE: Origins: Lord Lovel (Child #75)
If you look at the history of Minster Lovell in Oxfordshire Lord Lovell was a henchman of King Richard(of the car park fame!) who was at one time supposed to go on a mission to far Scotland! He dissappeared at the battle of Bosworth. When one of the subsequent ladies of the house of Minster Lovel( some 300 years later) decided to extend the grand fire place a secret room was found with the skeleton of a man sitting at a table.This was believed to be the remains of Lord lovell who had returned home after his wife and family had gone into hiding only to be left locked in when all of his retainers were murdered by the victorious soldiers of the other side. Lord Lovell as a Privy councillor would have been entitled to a burial in the choir of St.Pancres but his wife only a burial in the kirk yard. The Victorian Missletoe Bough was written after the author's Grand tour visit to Modena where it's story is well documented and no doubt the use of the name Lord Lovell was suggested by a knowlege fo the above information.
I hope some of this makes sense as it is very late and that is not improving my spelling or typing.