The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150785   Message #3517702
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-May-13 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Lovel (Child #75)
Subject: RE: Origins: Lord Lovel (Child #75)
"Why pick on me, Jim?"
Because you insist on speaking in such definitive and often disparaging terms - just been trawling back through some of our past arguments - not a lot of rom for maneuver there.
Wonder can you help.
"when Child was alive, was equally scathing of PB's efforts"
I though it a bit odd that researchers with Greig's and Keith's track records should be "heavily under the influence" of someone who did a screeching U-turn on the subject of Buchan.
Can you supply a link to this 'Road to Damascus' conversion - can't find it anywhere?
Everything I have read on Child's attitude lately has him undecided but half-way there on the validity of what was published - which makes the "had Child lived..." statement perfectly feasible.
What do you make of Wilgus's statement on the matter in 'Folksong Scholarship.." - was he wrong too?
Jim Carroll