The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #3517765
Posted By: Don Firth
21-May-13 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Beardedbruce and Songwronger, and from time to time a couple of others, spew reams of hate-mongering material, pretty obviously cut-and-paste from various anti-administration web sites and blogs against Barack Obama, blaming him for such things as the IRS catching Tea Party and other conservative groups red-handed hiding campaign contributions—President Obama learned about the Internal Revenue Service targeting these groups applying for tax-exempt status only after it had come out in the media (even Fox News admitted that!)—but they blame him for instigating the investigation—and for practically everything else.

It would not surprise me if they even blamed him for the tornadoes in Oklahoma! I mean, why not, guys!??

And their basic message, beyond their hatred for Obama, is that the entire political system is so corrupt that nothing can be done about it! Okay, if nothing can be done, why even attempt to improve things?

Is that what you want? It sure sounds like it.

And where do these guys get the TIME to glean and post all this material? Do they not have jobs like most of us?

And that cringing little sycophant, Guest from Unsanitary—

I will no longer waste my time reading or responding to this daily barrage of garbage. I get my news from reliable sources—indeed, several different sources that do not necessarily agree with each other, and I have the knowledge and intelligence to make up my own mind.

Now, watch for Goofball to fire off a volley of lies and personal attacks at me, trying to get me to respond. He does that sort of thing. And he really hates it when I just ignore him. If I don't respond, he starts attacking my family, about which he knows nothing, so he makes up lies.

Neither they nor I need defending from the likes of him.

Don Firth