The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28212   Message #351820
Posted By: Skeptic
05-Dec-00 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
Subject: RE: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot

On both the optical scan system and the punch system (including the butterfly ballot) write-ins follow the same rules:

1. To be counted, it has to be a valid name : alive, real and qualified for the office. Bugs Bunny, Lord Nelson or "who really cares" don't get counted.

2. You either mark or punch next to the space where you write in the name and office. The machine kicks out the ballot. If you haven't tried to both vote for and write in a candidate for the same office, the write in is hand counted and the ballot is feed again. Override code allows the count for preprinted candidates.

There is some discussion that either the internet and/or a touch screen system is better. Given the abilities of hackers and crackers, I'm not sure that improves anything. Plus there are people like who would find the internet of touch screens a formidable obstacle. The former tends to marginalize the poor, the latter is expense and ignores a substantial number of people in the country who can't use a touch screen. My mother has never been able to figure out how to use the ATM at her bank. She has trouble with vending machines and always has. It is my Liberal (advisedly upper case) friends who push the internet as a solution. All too many of them have an agenda for dealing with the poor (who overwhelmingly have limited computer access) without having any real understanding of what it means to be poor. In this last they are joined by my Conservatives friends. I've also noticed that while Conservatives have a faint contempt for the poor, Liberals use a kind of genteel contempt. I'm still not sure which is worse.

Conversely, my liberal and conservative friends (advisedly lower case) at least make an effort at understanding others and tend to have an innate respect for their neighbors, regardless who net worth, color, creed or whatever.

Uncle Jaque,

What is the substantial and real difference between Bush and Gore. Or any mainstream politician. History does provide lessons. I maintain that the substantival difference between Bush and Gore is illusionary. No matter what they say there positions are, the play the same game by the same rules. The difference is a matter of style. The issue is not that Conservative is the opposite of Liberal, or Democrat of Republican, but that the opposite is a different way looking at distributing power. Both flavors assume that the infrastructure is fine. A case not necessarily demonstrated. (The forgoing is not a backhand attempt to promote any other "ism", just an observation that helps me maintain a criticality when dealing with the pronouncements of politicians)


Although I don't know ebbie, post made indicate she is a sensitive kind and extremely compassionate person. Her comment on your past posts demonstrates several things: First, her extreme compassion and second, your acorn theory.

Ebbie, In his own mind, troll is almost always serious. Couple that curious delusion with his severely dysfunctional personality and a view of reality that can best be characterized as, literally, unique and you capture a hint of the difficult in deciphering his cryptic attempts at communication. Let along dealing with him face to face.

I've always found that: 1. Ignoring him does no good. He can't take the hint. 2. Some people crave abuse and rejection. He requires it. 3. Don't take him at all seriously. Although he takes himself that way, those who know him have adopted a kind of benign contempt.

I hope his comments weren't meant as a compliment. Talk about ruining your whole day.....!!!!

