The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25290 Message #3519840
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-May-13 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Come Up The Stairs (Shay Healy)
Subject: ADD: Come Up The Stairs (Shay Healy)
Referring to what's been posted above, here's what I hear on the Johnny McEvoy recording
Young Molly was handsome and pretty, I washed and put on me new coat; And off to the mainland to courting, I went in me small rowing boat.
CHORUS: Come up the stairs, up the stairs Come up the stairs, Molly-o; Come up the stairs, up the stairs, Bring something to warm me old bones.
Well, I hadn't gone more than four furlongs, No more than ten minutes afloat, When a big wave came and capsized us, Meself and me small rowing boat.
Well, up comes a great big sea serpent, He was forty long feet, now, or more; And he'd one look at my sunken (solemn?) features, And offered to take me ashore.
Oh, where were you going in such weather? I was going courtin' Molly, said I; As there's no humans left on me island, So how's a young man to get by?
Why don't you and Molly get married, And then you can both stay at home; For it's better to suffer in marriage Than catching your death in the cold.
Well, tonight I will ask her to marry, I'm hoping that she will agree; For I'd rather be fool (?) and be married, Than risking me life on the sea.
Can somebody check this, especially the places marked with question marks?