The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150961   Message #3520462
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-May-13 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: the new Worst movie of ALL time
Subject: RE: BS: the new Worst movie of ALL time
No, Kendall, but I've looked up some info about it. It sounds hilariously, almost unbelievably bad. Amazing that they would work in rock bands the way they did as an antidote to giant lobsters. What idiot would come up with that idea?

As to whether it's a worse movie than The Room, I guess that would depend on worse in which way, wouldn't it? I don't think The Room is really comparable to schlock horror films like Lobsteroids or The Creeping Terror, because it's just not that type of movie. It's sort of like trying to compare a giant leech to an ugly art deco restaurant and decide which is "worse"...(?)'s hard to even decide where to begin making the connection.

The really extraordinary thing about The Room, though, is Tommy Wiseau. He is....unusual. Very unusual. And every moment he's onscreen is strangely fascinating...even unsettling at times...and that's what makes the movie. Also, he's likeable in a weird way, because you can feel how very sincerely determined he was to make something really memorable and deep when he filmed The Room. He wants people to understand! He is a man with a dream, no question about that.