The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150961   Message #3520472
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-May-13 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: the new Worst movie of ALL time
Subject: RE: BS: the new Worst movie of ALL time
A comment from Zack Mosley on The Room's fanpage:

"There are Hollywood movies with big budgets and real talent involved that, in relation to THE ROOM, obey the laws of drama set forth by Aristotle and, say, Syd Field, and all authorities in between. But how many comedies are as gut-bustingly funny as this drama? To make something THIS out of tune, THIS tone deaf to the dynamics of real life and every day human interaction, while aspiring to tell a tale with "the passion of Tennessee williams"... well it requires a savant-like aptitude for unintentional comedy only possessed by someone with real vision, however derailed that vision might be. Tommy Wiseau is an auteur. THE ROOM is a glorious accident, a perfect storm of mistakes. The reason it succeeds so perfectly at "making us feel better about ourselves" is because it is 100% sincere in its total misdirection. Had Wiseau gotten more of the elements "right", THE ROOM would be forgotten as quickly as the thousands of other films made in 2003 that aimed somewhere near the middle of the road, and hit it. My only regret is that the intervening years have most likely warped his sensibilities, and if Wiseau is ever inclined (or allowed) to make another film, he may not be able to catch the same lightning-in-a-bottle bizare badness that makes THE ROOM so good."


That gets it in a nutshell. The thing that's so compelling about Tommy Wiseau is his utter sincerity, his passionate belief in the enduring value of what he's doing, his nakedly innocent and unashamed idealism, his fervent desire to spread love, forgiveness, and compassion to all and to address human pain in a way that achieves some kind of cathartic closure. That sort of thing is pretty rare, specially in really bad movies.