The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3521313
Posted By: Suzy Sock Puppet
31-May-13 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
Christianity, or even Catholicism, is not a false religion, however, it has been interpreted falsely by various "Christian" churches throughout history. For example, during the Reformation, many devout Protestants, beginning with the king, were looking to plunder churches and monasteries in the name of religious differences. Monarchs have given these kinds of orders, to kill "infidels"and to pillage religious sites. Ungodly popes have given such orders as well. But not Jesus, nor the apostles, nor the saints, nor any faithful follower of Christ. Anyone can call themselves a Christian. T'ain't necessarily so. Not only that but scores of pagan peoples were forcibly converted to Christianity, tortured and killed in the name of Christ. But let it be said, Jesus did not say to do any of this. In fact, quite the opposite.

Jews, I suppose, are also capable of what others might deem false or extreme interpretations of Judaism, however, most Jews who could be described as religious have no intention of killing and that, incidentally, means they are deadbeats in the eyes of many secular Jews living in Israel. Jews do not proselytize so if they do kill it's not going to be in the name of religion but in the name of statehood only (better known as Zionism). Even in Khazaria there was religious tolerance and diversity inclusive of Judaism, Islam and Christianity as well as Pagan beliefs.

Islam alone says it is justifiable to kill infidels. The command comes straight from the top. So if I have "Islamophobia" there's a good reason for it. Does that mean I want Muslims wiped out? No. Does that mean that I want individual Muslims to be hacked apart in the street? Hell no. Can you imagine what it must have been like to suddenly struck by a car and then set upon and hacked to death by mashugees? Can you imagine the terror he felt in his last few minutes of life. He probably died of a heart attack, poor man. This thread is supposed to be about HIM and his plight, not about the supposed plight of Muslims everywhere. What, no compassion for Lee Rigby?

And to those who are more worried about the potential backlash to Muslims everywhere than the life of Rigby and his family, your sense of justice and humanitarianism is seriously out of whack. HE is the victim here, not them. This man's death should not become merely another occasion for you to spout your pro-Muslim rhetoric.