The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3521597
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
01-Jun-13 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
Some very interesting accounts, Jim, and very disturbing. As you know, my husband is black (first reason for him to be wary) Muslim (second reason) and an immigrant (third). As I said, in our little village he's well known and much liked. He helps in our local church and in the community generally (eg painting the village hall, erecting our huge marquee for village events and being trained as projectionist for a future village hall cinema, to name but a few.) But he and I both realise that this happy state of affairs may not pertain elsewhere in the UK. Not so long ago, he went on a coach trip to Manchester to see Man U's football ground etc. I was worried, and told him to stay close to the other passengers. Luckily he didn't come to any harm. But now he says he'd like to visit London again this time on his own, as I'm not too well and can't travel far at the moment. He even says (and why shouldn't he?) that he'd like to visit one of the big mosques there and worship with 'his brothers'. He's so trusting and innocent and has been 'spoiled' in our Norfolk village. I just pray he'll be alright. People are understandably so incensed at this wicked act of murder, and my husband could easily be targeted coming out of the mosque. He even resembles one of the killers, I'm worried for him.