The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3522573
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Jun-13 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
"Only significant people would get on the watch list."
Er no - the "watch list" is the routine observer list that my father was on when he returned from Spain - unless you have evidence to the contrary of course - otherwise, stop making things up.
The serious suspects were the ones singled our as those "thought to be a serious threat to Britain's security" - as described in the MI5 report.
Speaking of which - you claimed there were 2000 plus suspects in 2006, - you then claimed there was a large increase in that number, adapting that later to "the numbers must have increased" when you were challenged to produce your facts.
Now you are claiming there are what? - 2000, wasn't it?
Which makes a huge increase of what - I make in none.
Consistency, dear boy, consistency - stick to the script!
Did you explain why the Government is proposing to cut the budget of the security services at a time when there is a 'massive increase' in the number of suspects - I don't believe you did?
Guest who dare not speak his name
I'm quite intrigued by your choice of choice of pen name - why choose that one.
Some time ago we had several heated arguments on this forum about, among of the things the Dale Farm eviction, following which several of us had our facebooks hacked into and phony profiles inserted (this, I was informed, was by a BNP parasite we had picked up.
If you chose your name because of fear of retaliation from us pathetic liberals and loonie lefties, I would keep my eye on the rabid right if I were you - especially the ones who use the term "traitor" and have us all bunged away in the Tower.
Just a warning"
Jim Carroll