The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151046   Message #3522655
Posted By: Suzy Sock Puppet
04-Jun-13 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Any Cat Stevens Fans?
Subject: RE: Any Cat Fans?
But do you really think that most Muslim people are that moderate and articulate? I'm glad Yusuf's daughters are educated and career oriented. I'm sorry, but those are really Western ideals for women. It just shows how religious writings can be bent to the will of the interpreter.

There are indeed Jewish and Christian sects in which women adopt ultra-modest dress codes, but to my knowledge, these sects have not engaged in atrocities against women on the basis of non-compliance with religious codes for many, many centuries. I don't want to get dragged back to the stone age, do you? On the streets of Pakistan, all you need are four witnesses to condemn a woman.

Many people do not know the following story. This is where Daniel, the first Jewish lawyer, raised the burden of proof for condemning a woman:

Book of Susannah 

That's called social evolution. Who wants to go back?

One of my observations is that here in America (and especially living about 15 miles from a maximum security correctional facility in one direction and about 7 or 8 miles from a medium security correctional facility in another) is that Islam thrives in the prison system. I have been told that for a white man entering the prison system, there are basically two survival strategies, two ways to shield oneself from victimization from gangs. Either join the White Supremicists or convert to Islam. And eventhough they never come out of prison anywhere near as well versed as our friend Cat, they do come out ANTI-SEMITIC! That's the one thing they do seem to pick up. And I'm sick of it.

You know why I think anti-Semitism does so well in prison? Because, first of all, it's an ideology that works well for people who tend to blame others for their own bullshit. Secondly, there are no Jews there. You don't have to make friends with one to trade a smoke for a package of Ramen noodles :-)