The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3523429
Posted By: GUEST
06-Jun-13 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
Dave The Gnome.

"We are also pretty sure that Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are pretty close to a hatemongering Islamic organisation aren't we?"
"And we all know the part which the inflammatory rhetoric of Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamza, Omar Bakri, Osama Bin Laden and Ayatollah Khomeini played in stirring up hatred."

We know already that these are evil figures and I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, just as I have no sympathy for the people I've named. What concerns me is the fact that an anti-Muslim backlash would bring the house down around the ears of all the decent law abiding Muslims, who go about their daily business and have no truck with Islamic extremists. And make no mistake. The Woolwich murder was specifically intended to create such a backlash.

It's a little bit out of date already, but you might want to read The New Extremism in 21st Century Britain by Roger Eatwell and Matthew J Goodwin. As the authors go to considerable lengths to point out, the far right and the Islamic fundamentalists feed off each aother. IE., one side commits an outrage. That provokes the other side into committing a bigger outrage, which provokes the first side into an even bigger one, ad infinitum.

I sometimes wonder if they don't ring each other up and say "We'll desecrate a war memorial and that'll get your lot stirred up and then you can break the windows of one of the local mosques. That'll get our side going. Then we'll think up something even more extreme and you can top that by..................".

BTW. There have been 200 reported attacks on Muslims since the Woolwich outrage.