The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151112   Message #3524403
Posted By: ranger1
09-Jun-13 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lyme disease vaccine for dogs
Subject: BS: Lyme disease vaccine for dogs
First off, let me say that I am not in any way anti-vaccine. However, that said, DO NOT vaccinate your pets for Lyme Disease! I was talked into it by my vet a couple of years ago, they assured me that the vaccine was safe and that Lyme Disease is on the rise for dogs in our area. I know the ticks certainly are, and I trusted my vet. The vaccine is administered yearly, and this year was the third year Bandit received it. Within 48 hours, my previously healthy, energetic dog had become so lame in his hindquarters to the point he could barely walk. He didn't seem to know where his right hind foot was, and seemed to have lost sensation in that leg, too. He was also extremely lethargic. I did a little research and everything I came up with, including a study from Cornell University, pointed to a bad reaction to the vaccine. I went back to the vet, she quickly brushed off the suggestion that it was a vaccine reaction and tried telling me that it was a probably a disc issue that was already present. No history of disc issues and he's been given a clean bill of health by the same vet less than 48 hours previously. She prescribed pain meds and an anti-inflammatory and sent us on our way again (after charging for another office visit).

Home again, I did some more research, aided by a few other people, one of whom is a research veterinarian. All of it points to vaccine reaction, and all of the research studies are indicating that the vaccine may cause more health issues than it prevents. The Cornell University study recommends checking your pet for ticks daily instead of getting the vaccine, because it takes at least 48 hours for the ticks to transmit the bacteria that causes the disease. I also got a message from a friend that her dog became extremely ill after receiving the vaccine last year.

This morning, Bandit seems to finally be walking a little better, but I see that he's lost a huge patch of fur at the injection site, about the size of a half-dollar. Monday AM the vet will be hearing back from me.