The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3524860
Posted By: Bat Goddess
10-Jun-13 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
No, Maggie, not gardening delinquency. I just sometimes need to remember the key word of BALANCE. I haven't had a chance to work on the archives for awhile (thanks to all the other bumf in my life) and I got carried away. Good though...

Did some more this morning while my hair was drying. Then got dressed and threw in some laundry. Need to wash Tom's sheet and pillowcase as soon as the washer is again available. (One load of wash, two loads of drying...)

The problem with the new driveway is I feel compelled to pick up all the little twigs and clumps of leaves and single leaves, etc. that fall into it daily. Did some of that while emptying the chamberpot around the hostas. Emptied the litter boxes, too.

Brought Tom's concertina and Friday's free papers in from the car when I took out a bag to take to Goodwill tomorrow.

Also removed the plastic from the office chair that's been stored on the deck. thought I'd take it to Goodwill, but the seat got soaked and is mildewing so it's trash and will go to the dump (and not the dump swap shop). Should have taken it to Goodwill a year ago before Tom came home from rehab. (Live and learn -- mostly about myself -- putting off decisions is not necessarily the best option; I hate waste, but that's what my indecision has done.)

Now need to sweep the tree crap (that's a technical term) off the deck and clean off the umbrella table. And then plant a few things. It's overcast and supposed to rain; don't know when.

Also need to read stuff online to Tom (yesterday he was feeling jealous of my time at the computer probably because he was bored, but didn't tell me until late in the evening) and let him listen to local historian Dennis Robinson who I just realized is visually impaired. Maybe it will inspire Tom... Dennis Robinson's TEDx Talk

Gotta look at my list again to see what else I need to do today. Supper, at least, is leftovers (chowduh) so I don't have to think about that.
