The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3525740
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
12-Jun-13 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
oh happy day! It stayed sunny long enough for me to clean out the big cage and clear a lot of other stuff to be moved - sorting, throwing out dead boxes (saved from last move but raccooned), general triaging. The kits were so excited by all the activity that instead of going to sleep after early meal, they watched Mom work. So I moved them to their new home and cleaned out the squirrel cage so it is ready for pick up! As I worked I noticed the guys exploring their new home and ----WOW! saw little jaws chewing the dog food left from the last big guy feeding! YAY! Put some of their new puppy food in and a few minutes ago, while putting things inside away from the new rainfall, All four were at the feeding tube munching away! And really neat - one was crawling through the tube. They can take the food out with their hands but HEY! tubes are fun! See why I do this?

Had an email last eve from a francophone requesting raccoon help so I gave him R's phone; R went and picked up Bandit and kept him in the city house last night - loose! Could not find him this am. Oh well! I expect he will resurface when he is ready. Hopefully, I will bring him out here in the morning to join his foster sibs.

Laundry and recycling are in the car, ready to go to the city, after the eve feeding. Boxes in the house, ready to be packed. Trying to get all non-essentials packed and gone SOON. Made black bean salsa/soup and more choc covered ginger. Dragged smaller squirrel cage out of porch and cleaned it out; it will be rain washed. Detailed email sent to a potter who requested info on magnesium and joints. Emails all read and a few brief responses. Maybe I will take a nap until feeding time, or just read.

Oops, need to get the 5 tomato plants in the car.