The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18183   Message #352586
Posted By: NightWing
06-Dec-00 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: HTML Practice Thread
Subject: RE: HTML Practice Thread
I've wanted to ask these questions, but now I've got a place to just try and see.

So, do the following HTML tags work in here?


The teletype tag shows up as a monospaced font.

The <HR> tag makes a horizontal rule. This one should be centered and 3/4 of the width of the browser screen.

How about the <TABLE> tag? (Part of a song posted elsewhere)

1 HUZZA! brave Boys, behold the Pope,
Pretender and Old-Nick,
How they together lay their Heads,
To plot a poison Trick?
2 To blow up KING and PARLIAMENT
To Flitters, rent and torn:
--Oh! blund'ring Poet, Since the Plot,
Was this Pretender born.--
3 Yet, sure upon this famous Stage,
He's got together now;
And had he then, he'd been a Rogue
As bad as t'other two.
4 Come on, brave Youths, drag on your Pope
Let's see his frightful Phiz:
Let's view his Features rough and fierce,
That Map of Ugliness!

And what about the <PRE> tag? <PRE> tells the browser to pay attention to spacing and typed hard returns, instead of ignoring them like it usually does.

  This line should be right against the left margin.    This one is two spaces to the right.      And this one is four.  

Sometimes the <PRE> tag requires actually typing in the line break tag (<BR>). This one has them; the one before didn't.

  This line should be right against the left margin. 
This one is two spaces to the right.
And this one is four.

So, let's enter this and see how it looks.
