The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151159   Message #3526075
Posted By: Claire M
13-Jun-13 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: More male folkies: Why?
Subject: RE: More male folkies: Why?

I (from UK) love blues, too Men tend to admire said female singers in a different way.

Men are a lot more fun to be around anyway – they don't seem to bitch as much. & they've actually got interests. I can meet a group of them, no matter what age group, & within half an hour we're deep in conversation about said music, the best fantasy novels, pork scratchings, etc. I can't do that with many women (or maybe it's just the women I know)

As a woman I do have an interest in jewellery, clothes, getting my nails done etc. I thought once I hit my 30s I'd grow up a bit.