The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3527263
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Jun-13 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Ach! What a morning!

First off, I poured some of the half and half I just bought on Saturday into Tom's coffee...and it curdled. Tom wouldn't accept either ice cream or powdered milk in his coffee. I was going to go right out and exchange it (would take about 40 minutes), so Tom decided he could stand to drink a cup black if he had cinnamon rolls to go along with it. So...that's what we had for breakfast.

Then I figured I could do everything in one trip. Since the half and half was no longer an emergency, I could go first to Lee Urgent Care about my toe. I did something nasty to it in the past two weeks, but it only hurt when I walked up or down stairs. Then yesterday I teetered on so much steep slope and tricky uneven footing that I did something else to it. Starting last night I had tingly feelings extended down into the ball of the foot and some general weirdness. I've had broken toes before and there's not much you can do for them except avoid kicking things, and was intending to tape it to the next toe and get on with life, but it was bothering me more this morning and I figured I'd better get it checked out.

Left the house at 9:40 this morning and JUST GOT HOME (to make "lunch") at 2:30. (Picked up lunch fixings and a few grocery items and exchanged that sour half and half on the way home.) Spent almost four hours at Lee Urgent Care -- for a ligamentous sprain (not even a break), x-rays, and the advice to buddy tape the toe and take some ibuprophen... (And a VERY LARGE MARGARITA, I think! ...after I pick up Tom's meds at the pharmacy.)

Zero accomplishment today (except for the half book I read while waiting). Lucky I carry a book with me...

Tom just told me I don't have to pick up the meds today. So I think I'll take 1996 out to the umbrella table on the deck and interpolate the info in the binder with the dates in the calendar. AND sip a large margarita...
