The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3527392
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Jun-13 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
See below for the eight year old atricle that you thoughtfully decided not to link – I wonder why!!
As I said, not a holy war.
As far as Syria is concerned – also not a holy war but a fight for democracy allowed to go sour by western indifference – you still haven't commented on Britain and America's intention to become involved ("too late-too late, the maiden cried")
How did you describe my suggestions that they should have done when the people of Homs were being slaughtered 'a gung-ho' invasion' or some such words.
As for my "former buddies, China and Russia" – any moron who knows anything about politics has to be aware that China and Russia were sworn enemies – "You can't be true to two", as the song says.
Jim Carroll

"Somalis in general show little interest in jihadi Islamism; most are deeply opposed. Somali militant movements have failed to gain broad popular support, encountering instead widespread hostility. The most remarkable feature is that Islamist militancy has not become more firmly rooted in what should, by most conventional assessments, be fertile ground."

"Islamist extremism has failed to take a broader hold in Somalia because of Somali resistance – not foreign counter-terrorism efforts. The vast majority of Somalis desire a government – democratic, broadly-based and responsive – that reflects the Islamic faith as they have practised it for centuries: with tolerance, moderation and respect for variation in religious observance. Ultimately, there is no better way to confront jihadism than to assist Somalis in realising such a government."