The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3527526
Posted By: MGM·Lion
18-Jun-13 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
We are in a semantic impasse here, I suspect, Dave. I would urge that all who genuinely believe the teachings of certain faiths are misguided. The moral basis of some faiths is misguided; so such faiths themselves can misguide. It is surely a piece of dreadful relativism, in the pejorative sense, to think we must 'respect' the teachings of them all equally. Hence my reply some way back to Richard, who seemed to me up the creek in taking me to task for 'picking out a certain religion for criticism'. I asked him if, as a theatre & book reviewer, I should have been inhibited from picking out certain plays & publications more than others for criticism. He didn't reply iirc.
