The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3527545
Posted By: beardedbruce
18-Jun-13 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'

"1. As a neighborhood watch person Zimmerman was not supposed to be armed... That has been reported by a member of a nation citizen's watch association..."

Standards differ in various areas. I do not know the Florida standards- Do you?

"2. Zimmerman had a criminal history involving violence and perhaps shouldn't have been allowed to be a neighborhood watch person to begin with..."

I ++agree++. That does not make him guilty of murder.

"3. You are wrong as wrong can be, bb about the instigation... Zimmerman has never denied that he got out of of his vehicle... Nor has he denied that he approached Martin... Nor has he denied that he had a gun... This is just simple "common sense" to anyone who has any common sense... Perhaps you don't get it but it is common sense... Had Zimmerman not gotten out of his vehicle (the police told him to stay in his vehicle) then there wouldn't have been a murder... That is plain as day and night... That makes Zimmerman the instigator..

So, If I am in a bad area, and the operator tells me to stay in my car, and I get out because I see suspicious people, ++I++ am the instigator if one of them kills me?

"4. Again, Martin had a right to defend himself against someone who had instigated the conflict... You would, I would and Martin tried..."

And you claim Zimmerman did not have that right, ++even++ if he was attacked physically after asking a verbal question???

++As++ ++I++ ++posted++, the trial is to determine who was at fault- ++Your++ statement as to Zimmerman's guilt is just "noise"