The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150885   Message #3527805
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Jun-13 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, (London-May 2013)
Subject: RE: BS: Unarmed soldier killed, Woolwich (London)
"Jim, you made a claim about the accepted meaning of Jihad, quoted the Wiki page in support of your claim, but ignored the bits that refuted your claim".
I pointed out earlier that there were numerous definitions of the word and I produced the quotes that made my point - we all know the generally accepted definition of the word "Jihad" - it's the one you constantly use to smear Muslims.
I linked the article as I always do (and which you deliberately (despite regular requests) constantly do not - you have often doctored texts without providing either link or naming your source - and you have faked your own postings - stop filling these discussions with snide accusations.
"The Irish troubles, as you concede"
I concede nothing - stop using loaded and misleading language.
I damn well know that the Irish troubles are to do with partition and,
just as the Muslim events, have nothing to do with religion, but rather the generations of abuse that Muslims (and all immigrants) have suffered in Britain at the hands of rightist thugs.
The MI5 report cited spying and increased IRA activity as being major problems, the DOMESTIC Muslim situation, which is what this is about, came way down the list.
Carry on hating
Jim Carroll