The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3528076
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
19-Jun-13 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Other than, brekkie, another hot bath (and one last night), the computer and the noon feeding, today is a bust. I looked up adrenal exhaustion and added a couple supplements, looked up non-toxic paint and sent R the link, remonstrated (nicely, I hope, with a potter who denigrated raccoons, and moved one box closer to where it is going. Also checked on pots which STILL need trimming and, happily, are still damp. Thought about the packing I still need to do and went back to bed! Remembered to re-start the distiller, put adult food in the tube for the night visitors, patted heads and came in and washed hands. Thinking I need to replace the minerals lost in perspiration with all these hot baths. I will go do that. What would I do without you guys to keep me thinking?