The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28436   Message #352842
Posted By: ddw
06-Dec-00 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: I hate drums
Subject: RE: I hate drums
A group of cultural anthropologists were making their way up the Amazon in search of a tribe to study. In the distance they heard drums.

"What do the drums mean?" one of them asked their native guide.

"Don't worry," the guide replied. "As long as you hear the drums, everything will be OK."

The drums kept up most of the day. Then, just as the boat was about to enter a long tunnel of foliage growing over the water, all the drums stopped.

Alarmed, one of the anthropologists turned to the guide, who was looking quite terrified.

"What happens now?" the anthropologist asked.

"Now," the guide said, "comes the bass solo."

