The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3529526
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
23-Jun-13 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
I'm making a grocery run in a few minutes - I'm out of provolone and I'd like a homemade pizza tonight, using one of those small crusts I made last week.

More e-waste has been identified in the office closet, this time, Kodak carousel slide trays. I have extras because I brought some home after a professor cleaned out his office - I still have a lot of slides, but I need to be putting them in archival sheets. The new (to my house) light table is now in the closet on the shelf emptied of slide trays. I brought home two, I may sell one. I also have a metal box with a storage tray for slides that has a bulb and plastic tray - you slide out the storage box and prop up the plastic tray with rows for slides and there is a cord inside also for plugging it in. I could put the slides in that storage box into the archival folders I have now and get rid of that box.

Astonishingly, I found that those portable cassette player recorder devices I stumbled upon yesterday still sell on eBay. As easy as they are to pack and ship, I think I'll list these. I'm consolidating some of the stuff from the closet - either onto the shelves in my office where the music from my dad's estate is stored, or on a small metal shelf that I emptied when I got rid of all sorts of paper. Now that will be all containers of photo prints or slides, plus the projector and few slide trays I am keeping. I've just about re-purposed all of the shelves in that closet, and I'm going to keep everything up off the floor. It looks much larger that way.

It's hot again today, but I'm going out to work soon. I'll mow while it's still bright and before the mosquitoes appear.