The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114512   Message #3529657
Posted By: MGM·Lion
24-Jun-13 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: There'll Always Be an England
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: There'll Always Be an England
Yes, yes, Allan; amen to every word you say. For NOW!

But we are talking here about a song dating from 73 years ago, when usages, conventions ~ yes, & concepts of manners & politeness regarding this matter ~ were different.

These threads are full of pleas to have a bit of historical sense and realise that people in the past didn't always think precisely as they do now ~~ perpetual agonisings over the use of the word "nigger" come particularly to mind as a pertinacious instance.

Why stick your head above the parapet to provoke another such ultimately sterile dispute?
