The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28212   Message #353018
Posted By: Troll
07-Dec-00 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
Subject: RE: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
Federal law states that any law governing an election must be in place on the day of the election. The Texas law regarding manual counts and dimpled chads was in effect before the election. There's no such law in Florida.
Bush would have to be the fool some of you take him to be not to take every legal advantage he could. I don't hear you blaming Gore for it.
"ONE PERSON. ONE VOTE" sounds good Greg. Thats what we strive for here in America. Of course, you do have to be a citizen, over eighteen,not in prison or have had your civil rights revoked, and registered in the precinct in which you live. On election day, you must show up at the polls between 7am and 7pm(unless the courts rule an exception) with your voter registration card and a valid picture ID.
Although it is not a requirement, you should have familiarized yourself with the candidates and issues on the ballot. In Florida this year, all voters were sent a sample ballot.
When you get to the polling place, your name will be checked off against that precincts list of registered voters. If you are not on the list,there are proceedures to find out why. In my county, if you haven't voted in two years, your name is purged.
But there are no goons with guns there to make sure you vote the "right" way, there's no poll tax or literacy test or property requirement, and, generally speaking, the ballots are counted fairly and accurately.
There are, of course, problems. This is a large country with a diverse and highly mobile population. People are inadvertantly left off rolls but it's due more to human error than to malice. Machines do malfunction but that's the nature of machines, if I may anthropomorphize for a moment.
It has been estimated that between 2 and 3 million votes were thrown out nationwide for one reason or another. There has to be a moment when you say "Thats it. It's over." In Florida, that time comes 7 days after the election.
I like your little slogan. The world should adopt it. If it does, I'll see that you get credit for it.
BTW, I'm sure you meant "ONE PERSON" rather than "ONE MAN."
