The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151222   Message #3530380
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Jun-13 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Subject: RE: BS: GMOs... new thread. A must read.
Of course you'd say're repeating your party's mantra.
As I've repeated, so many fucking time, they are BOTH working in the wrong direction..ALL..what part of 'ALL' don't you understand?
'All' is all 'All' means, and that's all it means!
The whole shootin' match is corrupted....need we fill up another thread siting examples???..BOTH of them..TEA party included(as a side note).
ALL of them funded by questionable sources..yours too...ALL of them have shaky backgrounds and history. None of them are repealing bad shit...BYW, in the post you called my manifesto, I forgot to include NDAA...a TEA party invention??..Republican??...and who is the beneficiary of such legislation??

Oh, and my prior post, minus a couple of typos, was dead on!
You like 'agencies of regulation???? Where ARE or WERE the FDA?? EPA?? USDA??
Hey man, I'm on your side in this...but don't close your eyes to why this shit gets through!!! They can shut down mines...disallow foods and drugs and medicines....WHERE ARE THEY???...and moreover, WHY NOT?? ..and of course..Who's in charge here??