The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151014   Message #3531394
Posted By: Claire M
28-Jun-13 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013
Subject: RE: Exercise, Diet, Declutter ~~~~~~June 2013

I did. Also started on tablets cos when/if I/we go out we can't take hoists due to something to do with insurance.

Getting on fine w/o side thingy. Suited me when I needed it years ago, obviously doesn't now. Feel much more relaxed, much happier. Won't bother with one on next chair. Always used music to deal with pain/anxiety before. Will carry on with that of course.

The dr. said the problems I've been having are real & to do with cp. I always suspected that but it was nice to hear it from someone w/o it who had no real idea what it was/is. If I had £1 for every time I'd been told it was in my head i'd be able to pay for 24hr care w/o any need to live here, a.

Woke up this morning (ba doom, ba doom) after starting on said tablets – where was the pain that seems to have a separate existence from its owner??
Where was the crying cos I was absolutely gagging for the loo what felt like every 5 secs, etc.

Pain done gone!

This has never happened before.

You can never have too many notebooks. I love them. Always get paperblanks/journals as gifts whether I need them or not.