The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151342   Message #3531639
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Jun-13 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Controversial Apparel Question
Subject: RE: BS: Controversial Apparel Question
I never wear long trousers indoors. The missus and I are entirely incompatible in the matter of what constititutes fresh air versus draught and room temperature versus tropical swelter. I wear long trousers outdoors only from November to February, except for weddings, which I hate. I never wear shoes, only sandals without socks, except for winter walks when I might wear loose-top socks and old trainers, and for those confounded weddings. I have just one pair of shoes, in a nice black, with velcro fastenings (I don't understand laces), that I've had for fifteen years and which I've never had to polish. I never wear a tie except for the church service bit of weddings, and even then only under protest. I can't stand having the top button of my shirt fastened and I really don't know how to knot a tie. I never tuck my shirt into my trousers (except at those blasted weddings, of course, again under protest). The missus is always very smart and I am a constant embarrassment to her in public. I regard clothing only as something that keeps me legal. Sartorial elegance is not, frankly, one of my strong points. Let me put it this way: I've put more thought into my clothes in this little post than I have in the whole of the past year.