The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3533023
Posted By: Bat Goddess
02-Jul-13 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Didn't think I'd get a lot accomplished today. I don't deal well with high humidity -- I don't know what's wetter, outside in the rain or in the house perspiring to beat the band.

Too wet and slimy (mud under the grass) to safely do anything outside, even when it's not actively raining (which isn't often).

I did get in a long catch up phone call with my sister and went through (and threw out!) a pile of New York Times that a friend had given me. Also labeled a couple binders of miscellaneous interesting stuff (sort of unclassified inspiration).

Making a nice supper, so all is not lost.
