The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3533712
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jul-13 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Okay, Keith...

Leave out the word "black" if you like... That's fine with me... My argument is still valid...

The defense is going to be built around Zimmerman's story, Keith... Zimmerman has already shown that he is not only a liar but a scheming lair, as well...

Remember when he was jailed and all the gun-nuts were sending in large sums of money for his legal defense??? Zimmerman told the judge he didn't have any money for his defense while using juvenilistic code talk on the jail phone telling his wife to hide the money... It was well over $100,000...

He has since been caught in other out-right lies... One about Martin grabbing his gun and another about having no knowledge about the Florida statutes after taking a class on them???

So, the defense is trying to shift the blame for the murder on the victim...

Don T. is correct in his taking apart the Zimmerman portion of the story about Zimmerman having to return to his vehicle to make a phone call... That is also a very suspect account of the way things could have happened that defies logic...

And yes, Keith, the Florida laws are ridiculous... There is an account where a guy was awakened to the sound of someone outside his house, looked out the window and saw someone messing with his truck, grabbed a machete, chased the guy down the block and killed him with the machete... The guy claimed "stand-your-ground" and no charges were brougt...

Insane laws pushed by the NRA...
