The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3535310
Posted By: GUEST
08-Jul-13 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
I think the judge should have allowed the testimony from voice recognition experts. It's highly reliable. Those who have done the analysis have said the voice screaming is not George Zimmerman. I don't believe it is either. I have listened to it several times myself and it sure sounds like a 17 year old screaming to me. I think GZ tried to detain TM at gunpoint. I think TM began screaming for help when he saw the gun, a very minor scuffle ensued in which TM attempted to defend himself and may have landed on top briefly (or even more likely GZ's neighbor John simply lied about that). I think TM screamed continuously until he was shot.

All George Zimmerman has done is lie. He says he was jumped on his way back to his vehicle. I don't believe that. He indicated that he had no intention of following police instructions by telling the dispatcher that police should call him when they arrived so he could tell them where he was at. If he had intended to return to his vehicle, he would have indicated that.

It is so obvious that this kid was murdered and that the incident is entirely Zimmerman's fault. If he walks away from this any faith I had left in the justice system will be gone. I mean, what does it say when someone wanting to play cop provokes a confrontation with an unarmed boy and ends up shooting him goes free? To me it means no black kid is safe.