The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151472   Message #3535544
Posted By: Will Fly
09-Jul-13 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
I stopped smoking cigarettes in 1969 - full stop - woke up one morning, sat in the office at the BBC, pulled out a packet of fags and thought, "I can't face another cigarette" and dumped the packet into the wastebin.

I enjoyed Havana - and I mean real Havana - cigars like Cohiba for a few years after that (never inhaled, just enjoyed the flavour), and then the smoking ban came to the UK. Hurray for the smoking ban! It stopped me smoking completely - stopped me waking up with my hair, clothes, guitar, etc., reeking of smoke. Havana cigars can't be enjoyed en plein aire - and cost way too much anyway - so that saved my wallet and my health. (Sigmund Freud had a prosthetic jaw because of jaw cancer because of smoking cigars all day...).

Pubs and clubs and restaurants are better places today because of smoking bans - and so is our communal health.