The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151472   Message #3535645
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
09-Jul-13 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
When I did voluntary work at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital a few years ago, they allowed smoking outside the main door. I was always horrified to see obviously quite ill patients in dressing gowns dragging drip-stands along, even carrying brimming catheter bags, in order to have their fag in the open air. I imagine that's why not long after, the ban was extended to anywhere in the hospital grounds. I took a trolley round the wards, selling newspapers, sweets and toiletries etc, and dozens of irate patients sitting up in their beds gave me grief because I didn't sell ciggies or baccy. I told them to take it up with the WRVS!