The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151482   Message #3535747
Posted By: Ebbie
10-Jul-13 - 01:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: One Word Description
Subject: BS: One Word Description
Tonight I again found myself using a word to describe a friend. I decided that it must be an important concept in my mind.

What one word would you like people to use when you come to their mind? Further, what one word would you most dislike people to use to describe you?

A quality I very much admire in people is 'generosity'.    Generous in spirit and in action, generous with time and thought. I have a friend whom I would not be married to in a hundred years - he is controlling and authoritarian and thoughtless- but he is generous with anything he has, when people are ill or incapacitated or short of money or depressed he is there. He is a musician who likes above all to see others also make music; he'll be there in a flash with his fiddle should someone call him and suggest an hour or so of play. He is generous.

And therefore I would like people to be able to say that I was generous. At this point, it cannot be said fairly of me but I'm working on it.

The description I would most dislike? Along the same theme, it would probably be 'stingy', with all its connotations.

Any favo(u)rite word in your life?