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Thread #150984   Message #3535748
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Jul-13 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
I think the press has exploited this trial, and now it's gotten too hard to get the genie back into the bottle.
It seems no matter what evidence is produced, people have made up their minds, both sides, on their own verdict. the prosecution has presented an anemic case, and in fact helped the defense,
You can say that Zimmerman was a cold blooded killer, or Martin was the aggressor, but if you're locked into whatever you WANT the verdict to be, you're not into justice, or finding out what really just want your verdict to fill the appetite for your personal biases, and truth to tell, whatever the verdict is, I doubt very much that your appetite will be satisfied.
My own opinion is that this was completely avoidable, but it happened because of two morons, trying to prove something, that was out of their league...and that goes for Martin, too.
I do think, that if Martin's cell phone conversations were released, it might be a surprise for the prosecution, that he bragged to his girlfriend, about confronting Zimmerman....however, that is only speculation, but nonetheless a possibility. Both of them misread each other, both of them re-acted out of their 'misreadings' Zimmerman could have watched Martin from his car...and a guy following you from behind was no excuse for Martin to start punching him out. there doesn't seem to be much question in regards to Zimmerman being on the bottom, of the altercation. Cops arrived, and found his back wet and with grass clipping on it. Zimmerman's account matches the forensics expert, as to who was where, when the gun was fired...-plus the eyewitness seems to corroborate Zimmerman's account. I think the press has done everyone a disservice, in their coverage of the story. it's been over politicized, and treated like a major sports event.
I'm not going to argue or debate the opinion...just looking at it, the way it is unfolding. If Zimmerman is acquitted, I really hope there is no violent riots or demonstrations...and if there are, I hope and pray, that NONE of you participate. It would be even more stupidity than the original event. If Zimmerman is convicted, the only lesson that comes out of it, is, don't be a wannabe cop, with a loaded gun...your emotions may not be up to the reality!

..and judging from the angst about it, they're not!