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Thread #150984   Message #3535871
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Jul-13 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Dream on. You guys are ignoring the circumstances that led to him being shot, and trying to make it solely a case of him being shot, because Martin was black. Do you think Zimmerman would have shot him, if Martin wasn't on top of him, beating him up??? Yes, I agree that it was a lack of good judgement..on both of their parts. Yes, it would have never happened, if Zimmerman had remained in his car, against the advice of the officer who advised him to stay in his car, BUT, Zimmerman getting out of his car, against that advice, was in itself NOT breaking a law. It was dumb, yes, and he followed Martin, which eventually led to him being assaulted by Martin, according to the evidence...but following a person, does NOT give permission, common sense, or reason, for that person to turn around and accost the guy following you...and technically, and legally, Martin was the first to break the law, by doing so. It was a stupid act of bravado, as was Zimmerman trying to take the law in his own hands. IT WAS ALL STUPID!

Guest: "He also clearly indicated that he REALLY did not want the kid to get away. Therefore, the most plausible theory was the gun came out in an attempt to detain the "suspect."

Your 'logic' is based on a 'theory'(your words) and a supposition, that he shot him because, 'he REALLY did not want the kid to get away.'...while ignoring the fact, supported by witnesses, and the evidence, by witnesses AND the officers arriving at the scene(Zimmerman' back was wet, had grass on the back, which got there by being UNDER Martin)..I don't think not letting the 'kid get away' was the determining factor, at that point, do you???

Bobert: "It's going to be difficult to get a prosecution"... What???"

Originally they weren't even going to charge him, because it was obvious TO THEM that it was self went to court because of the political fallout, trying to appease guys like you!

Bobert: "The stuff on Martin's phone should not be admissible..."

And why not? If it was on, while the crime was being committed, why not? You'd be arguing the other way, if it had picked up Zimmerman saying, "You damn nigger, I'm going to shoot you, just for the fuck of it!".....but it didn't, it had what it had, and it didn't support YOUR 'cause', regardless that it was considered an 'ear witness' just didn't have what YOU wanted on it..

Guest: "Zimmerman's background shows a lack of good judgement and a distorted sense of threat or danger."

Which is completely irrelevant LEGALLY, to what happened in those moments, of the actual crime.

The FACT remains, that the prosecution didn't have much to work with, to prove that Zimmerman is guilty, BEYOND a shadow of a doubt, even on a foggy day...and in THIS country(or what's left of it), you are innocent, unless PROVEN guilty...and that hasn't happened,(yet).

Also, you talk about the jury pool being influenced by the media..well I certainly hope they weren't listening or watching MSNBC, who doctored the tapes, editing them, to make it sound like, Zimmerman only shot him, because he was black, and George was a racist. You did know about that, didn't you??..or are YOU the one being poisoned by the press releases, and still hung over from it?!?!

now you may not like it, neither do I, but the media HAS fanned this up, to bolster the political prejudices of both sides...and that IS a fact...I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of playing their divisive game. You can..and are..YOUR apologetic discrimination, has allowed you to be played like a fiddle...and you're playing THEIR tune!!!

Fact is, this was a needless, stupid chain of bad judgements, that led to a dead kid, beat up wannabe, and gas thrown on the biases of a nation, already willfully divided, by the media, exploiting hatred.

Don't play...don't play their game....don't be their above their manipulations of people's negative emotions.
Personally, if truth be known, you had more remorse for your cat that dies, than Martin. Martin only gives you a soap box..get off it!