The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3535965
Posted By: GUEST
10-Jul-13 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Guest, I never said that Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin because he was black nor because he didn't want him to get away. There was a struggle but it's a fact that Zimmerman was the true instigator...

Race enters into this case in two ways. 1.) Zimmerman racially profiled the kid. Deny it if you want but it's there. 2.) How race generally and predictably plays out in the justice system, especially in the South, is the second thing to consider. Deny it if you want but it's there.

Have you ever had a gun pointed at you? Trust me, until you do, you don't how you might react. There are people who do not readily submit to a stranger attempting to detain them at gunpoint without the legal authority to do so. I am of course arguing my own theory.

So you're saying that an unarmed individual pursued by a gunman has no right to defend himself. Meanwhile, an armed pursuer has the right to "defend" himself against an unarmed individual's attempts to do the same - with lethal force.

Well ok, it's a little twisted, but sure, why not? Hey, your guy's about to walk. You want me to run out and grab some beers so we can celebrate? I'll be right back :-)