The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3535985
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-13 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Well, if the recording was of such poor recognition then why did the judge allow a parade of Zimmerman worshipers to testify for the defense...

And why were the two "expert witnesses" that the prosecution lined up not allowed to testify...

That's bullshit, pdq... I've got friends who I haven't spoken with in years and when either I call them or they call me we know each other by our voices with a simple, "Hello"... This Dr. Nakasone sounds like another Zimmerman worshiper...

This trial is as bogus as a $3 bill... Only the white Republicans here don't see it that way...
