The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3536003
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-13 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
That's strange, pdq... The two "expert witnesses' that the prosecution had lined up to testify each said they didn't think the voice matched Zimmerman's...

This entire idea that if enough subterfuge is thrown into the trial that Zimmerman will get away with this murder seems to be what the court and the defense wants...

This judge should not have allowed the recording to go public, nor should she have allowed the defense to go public with private property of the victim as, no matter how many time you or the other Zimmerman worshipers say it, has no relevance to this trial... So what if Martin smoked pot... I smoke pot, too... Doesn't give anyone the right to murder me or if they do use that as evidence on why I deserved to be murdered...

Like I have pointed out... The righties here don't want justice... They want for Zimmerman to get away with murder...


As for this supposed Martin smashing blows down on Zimmerman??? That's a joke... Give me 5 seconds to pound down on you and you are going to look like fucking hamburger... That's bogus... Plus, the other neighbor saw it the other way...
