The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3536102
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Jul-13 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
It's so interesting to see the peace loving, 'so-called liberals' getting so worked up over rooting for a weak case, and ignoring the evidences that they've become such peace loving, 'so-called liberals'..yet the saddest part of it all, is watching you destroy yourselves over it, and in your rhetoric, trying to inspire, MORE of the racist filled hate that you claim to hate!
Let's not kill the nigger..kill the crackers!

Simply amazing!

Bobert, man like I've grown to love you, if you is REALLY a bummer, for me to watch you insist that you'd be 'successful' at turning people to hate one the name of some sort of retribution, because they were hated before...and now we can hate back...and be supported by other haters!....maybe you can recruit some really GOOD haters...then you can be proud of yourself. Firth can Knight you into the 'The Golden Order of Intelligent Haters'.
This cannot be a wonderful energy going through your music, fact, your vitriol is pretty fucking ugly! Don T's is just stupid...but your is ugly! Firth just grabs anything that sound like it can be made into a political crisis, and needs HIS resolution, NOW, or be deemed a bigot hater!!
Hey man, if I saw you playing on the railroad tracks and i knew a train was coming, I'd yell at you to get off the tracks....only to find you arguing with me that the train was a concoction of the TEA Party Express!...even as it gets closer and closer.
Some things are just NOT a 'political' event...some are just stupid things that political people promote as political...hey, you know what?..Fuck 'em.
I just hope that NOBODY who you talk to, or who might read your posts, gets 'inspired' to 'rally' or protest or in anyway promote, which results in violence that results from this, act of stupidity..or YOU will be as responsible as you claim Zimmerman was in instigating it...GET OFF THE TRACKS!!